Is there a way to customise the add data widget so that it doesn't take you to the AGOL or portal page for the metadata?
It would be ideal if the description etc appeared in the widget or in a pop-up box.
Many thanks
That is a fairly large ask. What portion of the Service details that are displayed on that page would you have go to a popup instead (there are quite a few)?
I really appreciate all the assistance you have given me these last few days. I'm still only learning javascript so struggle with the customisation. I can customise the css no problem.
It would be:
Terms of Use
And if possible a button to open the metadata that's stored with the item like if you click here in agol:
Its just a query to see if its possible and how you would go about it
I forgot the name of the item
That would involve changing the detailsClicked function in the AddData/search/ItemCard.js to instead make an esriRequest to the REST service endpoint to get the json back and then use something like the jimu.js/dijit/message.js to present the info to the user in a message popup.
Thanks for coming back to me so promptly. I think that is beyond the skills I currently have.
Thanks again for all your assistance. It's much appreciated
No problem. Don’t forget to mark this and all your other questions today as answered.
I have found a widget that has been customised although I can't get it to work. I get the following error message:
Any suggestioons on what the issue might be?
I could send my widget code if required although I can't see an attach option.
It appears that the widget that I have can't find our AGOL instance as the search doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.