Layer Filter not working on secured services

07-15-2013 04:07 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: jungf

I've came across a problem with Filter Layer function on secured services. When I try to use Filter window on a secured layer the form stays blank:
I listened to the network communication and found out following:
When aplication is loaded, it opens the login form and user enters credentials. After that, layer is initialized using token:
Query request for getting data also contains token.
But when Filter Layer window is opened the service is called without token: http://SERVER/arcgis/rest/services/SERVICE/FeatureServer/0?f=json so the server returns an error:
[HTML]{"error":{"code":499,"message":"Token Required","details":[]}}[/HTML]

In Application builder an error is displayed after closing this blank Filter window:

I made tests on two independent servers and different data and both resulted in same error. Thereby I suppose that this is an bug. Can anyone from Esri confirm and resolve this?

Thanks a lot.


EDIT: Version of Viewer is
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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor
I contacted our local Esri distributor and they confirmed that this is a bug reported as #NIM091132: Filter tool in Silverlight Viewer 3.1 does not work on Secured Services for ArcGIS Server 10.1.1.
The error is showed in detail here.

I hope that patch will be released soon.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: nika_1410


I hit the same wall, it would be great if ESRI could release the patch as soon as possible.
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New Contributor III
Can someone from ESRI confirm if this bug has been fixed version 3.2 of the Silverlight Viewer?

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: theurbanangst

Doesn't look like it.
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