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Search/Query more than 1000 results

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08-12-2012 05:43 AM
New Contributor III
I configured both the search and query widgets to find the Parcel ID in my county. However it will not return more than 1000 results. I am using the "out of the box widgets" has anyone encountered this obstacle and how did you work around this.
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1 Solution

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This is related to the Maximum Record Count setting on the service. Is this your own service you have access to? If so, you can change it in the service configuration file, should be in the server folder in program directory, i.e in server 9:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\server\user\cfg\myService.cfg
Look for this tag in the .cfg file and update it, then save and restart the ArcGIS Server Object Manager service
If you're using AGS Server 10, the above file will be in the 'Server10.0' directory, vs 'server' folder. Also, in Server 10 this option is now available via service properties in ArcCatalog, go to the properties of the service, then the 'Parameters' tab, then set 'Maximum Number of records returned by Server' to whatever you need and restart.



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10 Replies
Frequent Contributor

This is related to the Maximum Record Count setting on the service. Is this your own service you have access to? If so, you can change it in the service configuration file, should be in the server folder in program directory, i.e in server 9:
C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\server\user\cfg\myService.cfg
Look for this tag in the .cfg file and update it, then save and restart the ArcGIS Server Object Manager service
If you're using AGS Server 10, the above file will be in the 'Server10.0' directory, vs 'server' folder. Also, in Server 10 this option is now available via service properties in ArcCatalog, go to the properties of the service, then the 'Parameters' tab, then set 'Maximum Number of records returned by Server' to whatever you need and restart.


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New Contributor III
Not sure if this fixed jonah84's issue.... but certainly fixed mine. THANKS ANTHONY!
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Occasional Contributor
I seem to be having the same issue (FV3.3). Whenever my search or query results in 1,000 or more records I get the "Error #1009" error. I've changed the "maximum number of records returned by the server" for the service that I'm running the query/search against from 1,000 to 3,000 in ArcCatalog (the most records returned for the service is 2,910 records). Is there any other settings I need to change? I didn't see a max records setting in the geometry service.

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Frequent Contributor

Are you only getting this error when you search for more than 1000 results or is it when you run any search?


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Occasional Contributor
Hi Anthony, it's only when it's over 1,000 records. I have a sewer pipe layer that I'm querying/searching pipe diameter widths. There are no more than 500 of each diameter width except for one (8" pipes) which should return 2,910 records. If I run the query/search tool for every width except the 8" pipe the tool executes without any problems. It's just the one attribute value that I can't get the query/search tools to work correctly. The layer is being called from an Arc SDE database if that makes any difference.

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Frequent Contributor

When you run your search to find 8" pipes are you using the " symbol in the search, this could be confusing the SQL statement being generated in the background,

Do your other searches have the " symbol in them


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Occasional Contributor
No. The query expression is simply DIAMETER =  8 and the search expression is DIAMETER = [value]. The " (inch) symbol is not included. It seems like the "max number of records returned" value is not being honored.
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Occasional Contributor
I take that back about the "max records returned" setting not being honored. If I do a graphical search against my sewer pipe layer it will return more than 1,000 records without any problems. It's only the text search that is generating the "Error #1009" error when trying to query/search out the 2,910 eight-inch pipes.
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Frequent Contributor
I'm at a bit of a loss sorry Joseph, maybe you just have some data within the the 8" pipes that is causing the error, do you have any special characters or null values in the attributes?

Also do you have your objectid and shape fields turn on?


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