I noticed that the arcgisportal kml utility has a "refresh=true" option that displays that it will "Force using fresh data and update cache". At work we deal with a lot of kml's that we need to include in our flex viewer, but I was not aware that the kml's were cached. This basically makes adding a network link displaying dynamic data worthless. How do I force a refresh with the arcgisportal?
The only kml layer options I see are the following:
disableclientcaching???If true, prevents the request from being loaded from the browser's cache. Default is 'false'. [Applies to types: dynamic, feature, image, wms, kml, and georss.]
serviceurl???Optional, URL to your own utility service for converting KML files to features. Requires Portal for ArcGIS. [Added in version 2.5]
Where is the option to refresh and not cache the layer?