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Deploying Flex Viewer

10-27-2010 03:37 PM
Deactivated User
Ok, I have been using Arcgis Server for a year now. Recently I viewed a few Flex Viewer apps and really liked how it works. I downloaded, added my basemaps, Street Maps and my own data. It really looks good. However, I can not view it from outside the network. When I try the Viewer comes up and all the widgets are there, just no data or visible maps, blank screen. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong? It works Great from the local server. Just to remotely. The only file I have changed is the config. Do you have to do anything else?
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15 Replies
MVP Emeritus

   It highly likely that your server is inside your firewall and inaccessible for the outside. You likely need to discuss this with your IT personnel.
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Deactivated User
I am the IT guy too. I even turned off all antivirus and firewall. The viewer displays fine, just no data.
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MVP Emeritus

   Are you talking about a corporate network? Are you saying that you turned off the hardware firewall that all your companies computers on your network is behind...? Do you have a static IP Address from your ISP provider? I think we might be talking apples versus oranges here.
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Deactivated User
Ha, no. Right now it's in my office on a stand alone system for testing. Yes, static IP. Just so you know what it's doing, I have attached a screen shot.
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MVP Emeritus

   Even with a static IP Address from your ISP there is no guarantee that the standard port 80 traffic is actually getting directed to your machine and not though some secondary port that the ISP dictates. I think I will bow out of this thread as I am form a corporate network work and have no experience working with a network that is not under our control. Good luck with this.
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Deactivated User
oooook. This is the most simple setup in the world. I setup my own routers. Everything works including my ArcGIS Server Web apps. Flex Viewer works great on the machine it's installed on. Just no access from the outside world.
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MVP Emeritus

   Yep it is simple on your end but how the outside world get's to your machine (if that is even allowed by your ISP) is the difficult part. You might get a dedicated IP address but across what port? ISPs' normally multi use a specific IP address by just using a particular port so that they can get more customers without having to purchase more hardware and give out 100% dedicated IP addresses.
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Deactivated User
Yes it is simple. The Only web app that will not work is Flex Viewer. And Yes, It's a dedicated line, have had it for a few years with no problems. I have had Web Apps, Remote Security camera systems etc hooked to the line for testing. I always test from home and can remote desktop or telnet back in to make changes. Thanks anyway.
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MVP Emeritus

   Well that explains a little more than. So do you access your other web app though an IP address like or something like If you have to access your site using an IP address than you also have to use the IP Address in your config.xml when specifying the URL of your map services. Can you access the REST Services page from out side the next work http://yoururl/arcgis/rest/ ?
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