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ArcGIS Viewer 3.2 for Flex released March 21, 2013 !!!

03-21-2013 03:25 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
Today we've released version 3.2.

Read the details in the What's New:

Notable features in 3.2 include:

  • There is a new Directions widget

  • Six new locales: Danish, Estonian, Hebrew, Latvian, Lithuanian and Portuguese (Portugal) - for a total of 22 supported locales.

  • Application Builder supports adding WMS, WMTS, and Web Tiled layers.

  • Swatches (symbols) displayed as part of the TOC ("More...") in Map Switcher widget, and in Layer List widget.

  • Lots of other things

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18 Replies
New Contributor II
This may sound like a dumb question... but how do I get the identify widget into the Application Builder for editing? I have a viewer I created a few days ago (in 3.2). Here are my basic steps...

I copied the identify folder from "For_AppBuilder3.2" folder into the widgets folder of my viewer.
I copied the assets to the assets folder.
I added the Identify widget to the widget container in the config.xml file.
      <widget url="widgets/Identify/IdentifyWidget.swf" config="widgets/Identify/IdentifyWidget.xml" label="Identify" icon="assets/images/i_info.png" />
Then I opened the viewer in Application Builder and selected widgets. When I try to edit the Identify widget, I get the error: "Could not find Identify module for Identify widget"

Did I miss something? Or did I not understand some of the discussion earlier in the thread about editing the widget in App Builder? I tried editing the xml code by hand and broke it, so thought I would try using the App Builder instead.

Thank you in advance for your help!
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Frequent Contributor II

Have a look at the help for managing custom widgets here:


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New Contributor II

Have a look at the help for managing custom widgets here:



Excellent. Thanks Anthony! I was able to get the widget in the App Builder (yeah!). However I am still having some trouble with the code. The results table won't display. Is this the best place to post questions regarding the code or should I go someplace else (Sorry, Forum newbie here). Thanks!
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Occasional Contributor
My legend widget from a 3.1 application does not populate in an upgraded 3.2 application. Is anyone else seeing this?
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Occasional Contributor
My legend widget from a 3.1 application does not populate in an upgraded 3.2 application. Is anyone else seeing this?

I have further narrowed down that this behavior happens on my secured services. All unsecure services populate just fine. Has Esri sunset support for secure services  with the legend widget on this release? I am using 10.0 sp3. I did not see anything like that explained in the changelog-- so I'm confused.

The legend widget was working fine with my secure services in the 3.1 version of the viewer.
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New Contributor II

   The answer is that the widget was updated to the new ArcGIS Server 10.1 standard and no longer functions for 10.x server. Here is a thread that provides a code work around (make sure you read the whole thread page).

Thanks very much Rob - that fixed it!
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Occasional Contributor
I have further narrowed down that this behavior happens on my secured services. All unsecure services populate just fine. Has Esri sunset support for secure services  with the legend widget on this release? I am using 10.0 sp3. I did not see anything like that explained in the changelog-- so I'm confused.

The legend widget was working fine with my secure services in the 3.1 version of the viewer.

Yeah so, the LEGEND widget does not populate with secure services from 10.1 Server either.... IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?
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Esri Regular Contributor
Yeah so, the LEGEND widget does not populate with secure services from 10.1 Server either.... IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?

It works fine when I test with secure mapservice and feature service from a sampleserver (10.1 SP1). (log in as user1/user1 when prompted) (log in as user1/user1 when prompted)

I'd recommend contacting Support ( for more troubleshooting help, or create a separate forum thread with more information for your specific case.
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New Contributor
I need a widget to query a taxlot, then select surrounding taxlots with a feature buffer of varying distances, and export those selected table records for sending public notifications to owners.  Does anybody know of a widget that can do this?
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