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Validate Network Topology web tools

02-14-2023 04:36 AM
Frequent Contributor


Is there a way to run the Validate Network Topology tool as web tools? I published this tool on the portal with the "share as a web tools" method. But I am getting an error while running the tool.




2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

I do not think you can publish this tool.  The tool would need the URL of the Utility Network and the version to validate.  I am not sure how to pass this info to a published GP tool.  You need to call the validate rest end point.  I believe the ExB team is working on a widget to do this.  I am not sure when it will be available.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi @MikeMillerGIS 

Yes i actually had some trouble publishing the tool. But when I add the utility source from the map, I can publish the service successfully.

ValidateTopology_rest info.jpg

There is a situation as I mentioned in the screenshot. The service is running successfully, but the tool errors while running.


As far as I understand, EXB widget is under development, is it currently not possible to Validate topology outside of ArcGIS Pro? 

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