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Migrating stormwater fittings to a Utility Network

09-07-2021 01:01 PM
Frequent Contributor

I am looking into deploying the Stormwater Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise solution to migrate our stormwater utilities that are currently in the Local Government Information Model (LGIM) geometric network format to a utility network.

While reviewing the Asset Package in the Stormwater Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise solution I could not find anything for fittings such as tees, bends, couplings, etc. I found the release notes for the Asset Package Version 4 and it says fittings were removed from the package along with the associated domain.

Can fittings be migrated to the Stormwater Utility Network? If so, what should the fittings be mapped to?

"Not all those who wander are lost" ~ Tolkien
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6 Replies
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you could create a new asset type - Bend.

if you don't want to get into modifying the model perhaps you could use Fitting > Elbow, and then note the bend degree in the 'Notes' field??? Just a thought.

From the Naperville data it looks like ESRI used Elbows as bends.

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Thank you for the suggestions. However in the latest version of the Stormwater Utility Network Esri removed the "Fitting" asset group and the domain associated with it according to the change log and if you search the Stormwater Utility Network Service data dictionary for "fitting" there are no results. A similar search in the Sewer Utility Network Service data dictionary returns a listing for the "Sewer Fitting asset group".

So I am trying to figure out what Esri wants people to do with fittings in their stormwater network. Cleanouts for example were removed from the StormwaterJunctions and added to the StormwaterDevices. I suppose I could make all our fittings generic Pipe Connections, but I would rather not lose all of our fitting data. I suppose I can try to find an older copy of the Stormwater Utility Network Service and add the Stormwater Fitting asset group back along with the associated domain.

"Not all those who wander are lost" ~ Tolkien
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I have a unfinished Storm Utility Network sitting on my desktop in a geodatabase that includes fittings. I still have the package for that I believe, perhaps that would work for you.

Storm FItting Utility Network 1.PNGStorm FItting Utility Network 2.PNG

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Thank you, but I think I am just going to add the fittings asset group back to the Stormwater Junction and recreate the domain that goes along with it. I am just having trouble understanding why Esri got rid of fittings for stormwater utility networks. I would be surprised to learn that most stormwater networks do not have any fittings and that is why Esri got rid of them.

"Not all those who wander are lost" ~ Tolkien
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by Anonymous User
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Hey Joshua,  I'm not a stormwater expert, but have worked with two different stormwater utilities who are both adding fittings back into the model.  I'm not sure why it was removed either.

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Frequent Contributor

Why ESRI got rid of the fittings is indeed strange.  I have my water system in UN, Sanitary is next and storm is way off in the future.  

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