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Hierarchical Tier definition in electricity data

12-06-2022 02:10 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello everyone,

I am currently working with the electricity data in UN. I have migrated the data into arcGIS Pro. Now, I m trying to configure the subnetwork controllers for the upstream and downstream trace. 

I assigned the circuit breaker and transformers as subnetwork controllers (Only from one station for the test). The features returning after the trace is too many than expected. Then, I found out that my tier definition is hierarchical and not partitioned. I received this tier definition after I converted the asset package to UN. 



1) Does this tier defition affect the trace pattern in UN? (I think so but I am not sure)
2) If it affects, then how can I change back to partitioned tier definiton? (As for electricity I think it should be partitioned) Is it possible in ArcGIS Pro or should I change the asset package during the migration? 

It would be a great help. Thank you in advance. 

Best Regards 

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Acharya;

It's hard to guess the specific issue going on without looking at your network configuration.  Unfortunately, once a tier is configured as Hierarchial, it can't be changed to a partitioned tier.   I would strongly reach out to Esri Support and let them take a look at whats going on with your prototype.

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