Hi everyone, I am trying to apply an asset package to a gdb with the utility model, however I am getting this error.
Migrating my files to the asset package did not have any problems.
Can anyone guide me where to check to solve this error?
Thanks in advance
Are you trying to apply to an existing UN that an Asset Package was already applied to? I see you have a map in your project, can you try with a project with no maps? What version of ArcGIS Pro?
I was getting the same error before, but after updating the Esri Utility Network Package Tools (untools) it went away. Currently I have version 3.1.1, but I see there is a newer version - 3.2. You can try to update the package to see if the error will disappear.
Perhaps a bit late to answer, but... If I recall correctly, I got this error when I added a new custom Asset Type value and integer simply because the integer I chose was already in use in the domains. I picked a new integer for the custom AT that was far outside the range in use, reloaded the AP, and then I was able to apply AP.