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Error The requested operation is unsupported by instance db FDO error: -2147155618 - Enable Network Topology

11-25-2020 11:16 AM
Occasional Contributor



I am trying to configure a utility Network on a Oracle 19c db. 

After I create and configure a Utility Network and go to "Enable Topology" the error "The requested operation is unsupported by instance db" occurs, with FDO error: -2147155618.

I do not receive this error on SQL Server db.


Can anyone help me with this?



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12 Replies
Occasional Contributor


We have contacted the support of Oracle. It seems to be some error on the sde tables.
I've asked them to create a new database to teste creating a new enterprise geodatabase and load the data from the old database of all other schemas, except sde.

I'll post here the results.

Thank you for the help.

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Emerging Contributor

Hi @RafaelFernandes_de_Souza - I have seen this error at a customer site.  Are you using custom CONFIG_KEYWORDS?  The issue for us appeared when we exported subnetwork, I believe the UNICODE_STRING field in one of the SDE tables should have been NVARCHAR instead of VARCHAR.  I can confirm the table later.  This was also Oracle 19C.

Occasional Contributor

Hi @GeoffreyWest4 - I am using default config_keywords.

When I created a new instance in Oracle for test and created a new Enterprise Geodatabase, it works without any error.

I think that the problem can be what you said. the UNICODE_STRING field. 

Can you please tell me what table is?

Thank you for your help.


- Rafael Fernandes de Souza

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