Have a fully functioning UN in a fgdb and trying to copy/paste to SDE. Receiving the error below:
Failed to Paste. Must be connected and signed into the portal.
UN v6. Pro 3.1.4 SDE 3.1.4 dataowner access: correct.
Have tried copy/pasting other things into same SDE. Works fine. Only struggles with UN. Test copy/pasted UN to another fgdb - works fine.
Have removed and readded portal. Error remains.
Anyone else experiencing this behavior?
@CristinHolmgren2 The deployment of Utility Network to enterprise geodatabase (SDE) requires the Utility Network user type extension. Please ensure that you are signed into Portal and the connected user has the Utility Network user type extension license. Please post your update.
I also learned that if you have been using "sde" as your user/schema/data owner in the enterprise database, you will need to change this. just a heads up!
Is there a particular reason why you're trying to copy/paste to SDE?
The typical approach to deploy UN to an enterprise environment would be to:
@CristinHolmgren2 Curious if you got this to work? Please post the solution for others in the community.