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Attribute Rule Arcade and FeatureSetByAssociation & FeatureSetByName

09-30-2022 10:12 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi everyone,

I am attempting to utilize FeatureSetByAssociation within the Attribute Rule profile to obtain a group of associated features and then possibly update (using the edit attribute rule dictionary keyword) an associated feature based on a specific field value of the associated feature.

FeatureSetByAssociation works great, however, the fields included in the returned FeatureSet are limiting. For example, I would like to include the field value for lifecyclestatus with the returned feature set. Because I don’t have the option to specify additional fields for specific feature classes, I would like to use FeatureSetByName to gather the lifecyclestatus of the associated features using the className and globalId that is returned by the FeatureSetByAssociation function.

Because the FeatureSetByName requires the title parameter to be a literal in the Arcade expression, using FeatureSetByAssociation and then FeatureSetByName to gather additional information about the associated feature can be limiting.

Does anyone know if there are plans to improve FeatureSetByAssociation to allow the function to request additional fields for specific feature classes? Also, are there best practices or simple workarounds to return additional field information without the need to add literals (for FeatureSetByName) for every possible feature class that may be included in a Utility Network association?

Better yet, are there plans in future releases to remove the requirement for using a literal for the FeatureSetByName title parameter?

Thanks for your help, Jon

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