ArcGIS Pro 2.6: What is the best practice to publish all utility network tracing tools?
Currently, we use Geocortex as web mapping application. I’m looking for the best practice to publish all utility network tracing tools so that they can be deployed and configured in Geocortex
Hi Jamal,
As far as I understand, Esri Inc is working on UN Trace Widget in Experience Builder (confirmation needed). There is a trace widget github code available at solutions-widget-utility-network-trace/UNTrace at master · Esri/solutions-widget-utility-network-tra...
For Geocortex web app, one way could be to wrap tracing functionality as a GP Service and then configure Geocortex Workflows to call a GP service. I have not tested this myself though.
That widget is provided as a POC and is not currently under development, We are planning on updating the Water Outage solution to Experience Builder and the Utility Network next year, release around User Conference. This will include a widget to trace a utility network and support the water outage workflow. We are just in the design/planning stages of the widget now and development will start soon.
Michael Miller We extended the github code to provide Water Shut-off Block, Sewer Spill/Blockage, Create Unplanned Event, Reload Event like functionality. Also added business logic of highlighting properties, warn critical customers traced and report customers affected etc. Fixed few bugs along the way as well e.g. calculation of % along the pipe instead of 0.5 hardcoded, multiple barriers and flags add/removal etc.
Can demo it if it is of any help...
Does this mean that the esri UN can provide most of the functionalities\capabilities that are available in schneider ArcFM at the level of desktop and web?
Trace REST endpoint is very powerful and it drives trace commands in Pro. It will provide most if not all of the ArcFM desktop and server trace functionality and probably way beyond e.g. aggregations such as number of customers, volume of water or total kW of electricity etc.
Hi Vish,
Thank you so much for your reply, I highly appreciate if we can arrange for a small Demo so we can compare between the tools provide by Esri and ArcFM.
Thank you in advance
Not sure how a demo can be arranged. Are you Esri distributor?
No we are a client!