ArcGIS Pro 2.5: “enable topology network (utility network tool)” doesn’t create topology and thus “error inspector” fails to work,
I couldn’t figure out why “enable topology network (utility network tool)” doesn’t create topology and thus “error inspector” fails to work.
When working with utility network from scratch, is it required to build a topology after performing “create utility network”, “add domain network” and “add rule” and then enabling it?
Is this by design?
I noticed that loading data with an unknown Asset Group + Asset Type results: Error type 2, getting subtype value fails or subtype value is unknown.
Thank you Koya for the help
My point here is that I couldn’t figure out how to play with the topology as errors are identified in order to fix them. There are no tools available in order to fix the identified errors!
How fixing the errors related to utility networks is performed in Pro?
At the end of the day, the unknown value can be considered as an asset group and asset type. What’s wrong with that? The rule shown in the screenshot below confirms that as a water line of “unknow” asset group is connected with another water line of “unknown” asset group, then the junction is a water junction of “unknown” asset group and an “unknown” asset type
The Unknown/Unknown Asset Group/Asset Type (by design) is always an error feature. Adding a rule doesn't matter here, and is likely a bug that the tool allowed you to even add it.
The error inspector doesn't currently work with the Utility Network. Error feature management—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation is a good starting place for learning more about errors and how to fix them.
Thank you Paul.
I managed to add subtypes and domains for the (junction, device, and line) and to add rules for them as in the screenshot below. The rule says that a line of asset group (L1) is connected with another asset group (L1) via a junction of asset group (J1).
Now, in the network, lines (of L1 asset group) are not connected with each other via junctions (of J1 asset group), nevertheless, errors don’t show up as the topology is enabled (sample data is attached).
What could be the issue here?
Lines of the same Asset Group/Asset Type can connect without points.
In the screenshot below, according a rule: L1 line is connected to L2 via J1 junction. Nevertheless, errors don’t show up.
What could be the issue here?
I only see the line layer in your map, so it's hard to say. It also appears to be midspan?
In the screenshot below, the rule says that: if L1 in connected to L2 then the junction is J1.
How to catch this potential error? How to fix it?
Also, how to add a source (reservoir) so that flow direction can be displayed as we do in ArcMap?