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ArcGIS Pro 2.7.2: Having the “enable network topology” and “enable network topology” tools under the “utility network” tab by default,

03-19-2021 11:11 AM
Status: Already Offered
Legendary Contributor

ArcGIS Pro 2.7.2: Having the “enable network topology” and “enable network topology” tools under the “utility network” tab by default,


It would be great if the ArcGIS Pro is enhanced to have the “enable network topology” and “enable network topology” tools under the “utility network” tab by default. They are frequently used and it’s worth to have them deployed there by default


I’m aware that we can bring them manually but what I wanted here is to have them there by default




Hi @JamalNUMAN,

If you are using these tools often, another option would be to add them to the quick access toolbar:

Maybe this is what you meant by "I’m aware that we can bring them manually but what I wanted here is to have them there by default"... If not, I hope it helps a bit!



Thanks Colin


Right. I’m aware how to add them in the quick access bar but wanted to have them deployed by default under the utility network bar


I think the bigger issue here is:  why are you using these tools so often?  The intention of the Utility Network is that you Enable the network topology, and then during any day-to-day work, an analyst or editor is using Validate network topology (which is why this is available on the ribbon). 

It is not recommended that you run enable/disable network topology regularly. The only times you should really be disabling and then enabling the network topology, is to make schema modifications to the Utility Network - this requires stopping any services, to accommodate the schema mods. 

If, in fact, you are forced to do this for some reason - likely an issue needs to be logged with support identifying why the network topology is getting into a state that requires a disable/enable.


As we are still trying to migrate to UN, we are really heavy users of these two tools. Until all gets stable, this might minimize using these two tool

Status changed to: Already Offered

There are no plans to add any of these operations directly onto the UN ribbon.  They may be useful during migrations, but in actual production, they would create confusion.  And running disable/enable regularly is not recommended. 

Users are welcome to customize the ribbon and add links to these tools themselves, if it is necessary during a migration process.


I got your point of view but my original idea is to have them by default in the ribbon but not trough user customization