I am creating a suitability analysis for solar panels around the area I live. The issue I am having is running the INTERSECT tool to find the areas that meet all of the correct criteria. However, the intersect tool requires the inputs be feature classes, and I have "File Geodatabase Raster Datasets" instead (three different rasters that show solar intensity, slope, and aspect). I tried converting these rasters using the "raster to polygon" tool but that didn't work because that tool only converts "File system rasters" and not "File Geodatabase Raster Datasets". The reason I want to convert the rasters to polygons is so that I can run the intersect tool.
BOTTOM LINE: Is there anyway I can run a tool like intersect on my 3 "File Geodatabase Raster Datasets" OR is there a tool that will let me convert these specific rasters into feature classes?
My work flow is as follows:
Any recommendations?
Have you recomputed/reclassified the rasters to a suitability value? doing any kind of operations between the rasters without this is like adding apples and oranges, it's almost meaningless.
Try using the Con tool or Con in Raster Calculator to sort out your inputs first. You can of course do everything in one go in Raster Calc, but I wouldn't advise it if you're not completely familiar with it.
Turn values over 400000 to 1, else turn to 0:
Thank you, that was very helpful. I was able to use the con tool to narrow down and then "intersect" my results. To further narrow down my search I've added a land use classification raster. I'm trying to use the con tool or the raster calculator to make it so that land classes that can't have solar panels are not included in the analysis. However, my knowledge of SQL is lacking and I can't form a correct SQL command (yet). I attached a picture to show you what I'm trying to do.
I only want to include the blue values in my analysis (and remove the red values). The white values have nothing in them. There are only three blue values - 21, 31, and 52. My SQL command is "USA_Land_use" == (21 & 31 & 52)
Any suggestions on how I might improve my SQL command?