The Education Trial was retired on June 1, 2023. See the Education Trial Retirement FAQ for details.
Visit the ArcGIS Software Access Options page for information on fee-based and free options for exploring, learning or using ArcGIS software.
Learn ArcGIS is a collection of free learning resources for ArcGIS, typically in the form of step-by-step tutorials modeled after real-world scenarios.
The Learn ArcGIS Team offers a free 21-day education trial, which provides temporary access to the software needed to explore and learn about ArcGIS and complete Learn ArcGIS tutorials. When you sign up, a temporary ArcGIS account is created for you in an ArcGIS Online organization administered by the Learn ArcGIS Team. Your new account is separate from any other ArcGIS Online account that you may have elsewhere.
We will send you e-mail reminders about the account expiration. Please look for them!
Your temporary ArcGIS organizational account provided with the trial is a "sandbox" for learning and experimentation. It is for noncommercial use only.
You can use the trial account to:
You may not use the trial account to:
If you are 18 years or older, you can sign up for an education trial, provided you have not previously had an education trial or a Learn ArcGIS membership.
If you are not yet 18, your parent or guardian can create an account for you. The administrator will disable and delete any accounts suspected to be, or determined to be, created by those under 18.
Esri offers several options for accessing software for noncommercial use.
No. If you’re new to ArcGIS Pro, try one of these lessons to get started: Get Started with ArcGIS Pro or Migrate from ArcMap to ArcGIS Pro.
Education Trial Questions
Education Trial account support (password resets, questions about access) is provided Monday - Friday Pacific Time via this form. Be sure to include your e-mail address so we can respond to your query. We try to respond within one business day.
Please post questions about Learn ArcGIS tutorials on the Learn ArcGIS Questions board. Please include the name and web address of the tutorial, the section name and the step where you need help. If you can include a screenshot, that is most welcome!
All other Questions
Questions on all other topics can be addressed to the Esri Community (this website). Please note that your education trial account does not include access to Esri Technical Support.
- You can search this site without signing in.
- To post a question, you will need a free ArcGIS Public account or an Esri enabled ArcGIS organizational account. For more information on those types of accounts, see this question.
- Please post questions about software or other topics on the appropriate Questions board. We've listed some of the popular Questions boards below and here's a list of all of Questions boards to browse.
ArcGIS Experience Builder Questions
ArcGIS Configurable Apps Questions
Classic Esri Story Maps Questions
Credits are consumed by some actions in ArcGIS software products. Your Education Trial account includes more than enough credits to complete a good number of the tutorials in the Learn ArcGIS gallery and explore on your own. We are unable to provide additional credits, nor can you purchase more credits, to use with your trial account.
Issue: These messages are common and are related to how you are signed in:
Your account could not be used to authorize ArcGIS Pro because it is an ArcGIS Public Account.
Invalid username or password. ArcGIS Pro wants to access your ArcGIS Online account information.
Solution: Be sure you are sign in to ArcGIS Pro with your education trial user name (_LearnArcGIS) and password. Other user names may not include an ArcGIS Pro license.
Issue: These messages are common and are related to ArcGIS Pro licensing:
The number of licenses assigned to the user exceeds the number available in my organization.
The username you entered is not a member of this organization.
ArcGIS Pro failed to connect to the specified license manager.
Solution: Configure ArcGIS Pro licensing for a named user account using for the licensing portal following the steps below.
You may find further information in the ArcGIS Desktop Installation support group.
The ArcGIS account provided with the education trial is a "sandbox" for learning and experimentation. The account, and all of the content you create in ArcGIS Online, will be deleted when the trial ends.
Please contact us via this form. Be sure to include your e-mail address and note that your invitation has expired.
We will send a temporary password from ArcGIS Notifications. (We try to respond within one business day.) Once you receive the e-mail (be sure to look in your spam folder!), follow the steps below to sign in for the first time:
Note: If you did not set a security questions the first time you signed in, you may experience a delay of up to one business day before you receive a temporary password. Thanks for your patience.
"Esri Access is disabled" is the correct setting: You may see a message that says: "Your active ArcGIS organizational account xxx_LearnArcGIS is not enabled for websites" when you sign in to websites like There is no problem. Your account is set up correctly.
"Esri Access is disabled" means the user name can't be used to sign in to websites: "Esri Access is disabled" or "Esri Access is not enabled" means that your _LearnArcGIS account cannot be used to access websites that include in their URLs. You can, and we encourage you, to access those websites with a free ArcGIS public account that will never expire.
Find if you have, or create, a free ArcGIS public account: You may already have an ArcGIS public account!
To find out if you have an ArcGIS public account:
- Go to
- Click Forgot username?
- Type in your e-mail address. If you use more than one e-mail address, you may want to try more than one.
- You will receive a report of your accounts associated with each e-mail address via e-mail. If one of the listed accounts is "Esri enabled" or identified as an ArcGIS (or Esri) "public account" – you have an ArcGIS public account that can be used to sign in to websites!
If you don’t have an ArcGIS public account, create one:
- Go to
- Click Create a Public account
- Follow the instructions: You will choose the user name and set the password. This free account will not expire.
Why is Esri Access disabled? Remember that your education trial account (_LearnArcGIS) will expire after 21 days. We insist you use an ArcGIS public account that will not expire to access website so your access to websites you visit will not end when your education trial ends.
I see this message "Your active ArcGIS organizational account xxx_LearnArcGIS is not enabled for websites." What do I do?
- Click Sign out of this account.
- Navigate to the website URL you want to reach (Perhaps it was Or
- Sign in with your ArcGIS public account user name and password.