I am struggling to accommodate all my text information and there is limit of 255 characters/words on multiline appearance. Can someone advise. how to change it ?
If you are using Connect you can add a new field and increase the field length before publishing. It gets quite complicated to try and change the field length itself especially once views are involved (_stakeholder, results, etc), though there are a few threads here that will attempt to lay out the process for the risk inclined.
If you're using Web version I think the same would apply. Add a new question, increasing the character limit before publishing.
Thanks, great tips will try
didn't work I think ham doing something wrong? the message is that there should be more variables
Hi @DrJumaKhudonazarov you should ignore that part of the screenshot, it's leftover from a different field in my survey. Only the circled "1000" characters in the fieldLength field is what I meant to draw your attention towards.