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Water Quality Data

01-05-2024 09:50 AM
New Contributor

I am a teacher new to Survey123. I'm wanting my students to be able to load and analyze water quality data that they collect at a creek on school grounds. Can anyone help me out? 

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3 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

There is a lot to unpack there.

For starters, will they be collecting this data themselves? In that case, I'd start by creating a form for data collection. I would recommend S123 Connect. They have some excellent examples and tutorials built into Connect.

From there, what are the next steps? Where will they be processing the data? S123 can nativity export to DOCX and PDF. With some manual work, you can export to CSV/XLSX. Automations will help this, but that may be out of scope for your project.

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New Contributor

Yes, they do collect the data themselves. I’ve created a form in S123. The issue I have is that when we go to analyze it just shows the number of responses. I’m trying to find a way for the individual data points to be analyzed on graphs etc. Is that possible?

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MVP Frequent Contributor

Very much so. From your description, the simplest solution that comes to mind is exporting the data to Excel. You can divvy up and work with the data as you see fit.

This can be done from either the Portal (1) or the S123 website (2).

(1) Go to your Portal > Content > search for the survey name > click on the folder > go to the Feature Layer > Export Data > choose option



(2) Go to the S123 website > search for the survey > click on the Data button >  Export > choose option.





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