I am embedding a S123 form like below. There are 2 options for the MODE parameter VIEW and EDIT.
When I use EDIT it works fine and I can view and edit the records in the embedded Form
BUT when I change the MODE to VIEW I get an error stating "You do not have permission to view this survey record."
ANY ideas why VIEW mode does not work properly?
If I replace VIEW in the SRC below with EDIT it works fine...
<iframe name="survey123webform" width=100% height=100% frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" title="My Survey"
src="https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/89f9xxxxcb48?token= tokenvalue &portalUrl=https://site.xxxx.xxx.gov/portal&mode=view&globalId={426640C8-2FE4-4D2B-89F4-7370ABA9DA06}">
Hi @kapalczynski ,
To check, have you created a results view for the survey? The view mode relies on the results view.
The Data is in SDE and the submission URL is modified in the Excel file that is used to publish the Form which resides in our Enterprise Portal... Not AGOL
I went into Survey123.arcgis.com and found the survey and went into the Collaboration section and even made the Share Results to PUBLIC and still not able to read it...
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts? Because this is not a Hosted Feature can this still be done... I figure if I can edit the Feature in an iFrame I should be able to Simple View it.....
I shared the Feature Layer and forms etc to public and still no go on the Mode=View.
I can create a new form and make all the fields Read Only but there is still a submit button because its in edit mode. Not Ideal.
Not sure where to go from here or what to test....
I try to use this URL but it does not resolve or show up in the iFrame