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Understanding Updating in Survey123

04-05-2024 07:16 AM
Emerging Contributor

I have a survey with many users. The survey will have schema changes. It seems like users are not forced or required to update the survey unless they do one of the following options:

  1. delete the survey and redownload it
  2. go to the gallery and pull down on the screen to force an update

Is this correct? 


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8 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

When the user selects the survey from the gallery it should notify them there is an update as well. To make the update required on the Survey123 website you can go to the survey, then settings, and select require update to the latest version of this survey and then save it.


You can also find this option in Survey123 Connect in the Options tab under General.

One thing to keep in mind, if the users are using a URL to open a survey form directly, it skips this check (and I despise it). Same thing goes for any Linked Content like CSVs for choice lists.

Emerging Contributor

@RobertAnderson3 thanks for your response. 

I am using the Survey123 mobile app. The issue I am having is that I have so many users and they aren't prompted or forced to check for updates. Unless they go to the gallery and pull down on the screen, which doesn't happen unless it's done manually and it isn't intuitive.


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Do you have the setting set as posted above?  In Connect it is here


Note if they are using a launch from Field Maps then it tends to miss this update step.

MVP Regular Contributor

Which version of the mobile app are you running? And how are they opening their surveys? From the gallery or from a URL?

It should prompt them like this if you have that "Updates Required" checkbox on if they select it from the gallery, and it won't let them open it without updating. They won't need to pull down to check (it should also have the "Updates available" when the app loads, but it won't force them then)



Emerging Contributor

Yes, I toggled on Require Update to the Latest Version of the Survey. 

After a user submits a survey, they are directed to the screen below. If they don't manually go back to the gallery and pull down the screen to look for updates, they wouldn't know there is an update. Correct?


Using version 3.19.121


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MVP Regular Contributor

Ah I did not realize you were talking about an update being rolled out while they are actively using the app, I think I've noticed this behaviour before as well. They would definitely have to go back to the gallery screen again at minimum, it should prompt for an update when they select the survey, but since the app was open at the time it doesn't refresh.

Esri really needs to adjust where their check for updates trigger is on surveys.. there are some idea threads floating around for that, but it'd also be worth putting in a ticket with Esri Support I'd say to encourage some action around it.

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Emerging Contributor

Yeah, I didn't explain that very well. My users are actively using the app and I am trying to push out updates.

And I agree that ESRI needs to update this process. When you toggle on Require Update to the Latest Version of the Survey, in Survey123 Connect, it's not actually requiring users to update the survey unless they are in the gallery and pull down the screen.

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MVP Regular Contributor

It's definitely a pain point, hopefully next day at the latest they end up getting notified.

There's an idea posted here to up vote: Survey checks for updates when loaded from web lin... - Esri Community

That's for the URL scheme, but I imagine if they change where the check is it will also help on the app being open side of things. Might be worth adding a comment on this issue to the thread!

EDIT: I also have a bug logged with Esri Support in Canada: BUG-000141398 and it says it was escalated on February 23, 2024 so I hope something is in the works...

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