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survey123 v3.6 offline imagery

10-07-2019 10:32 AM
Occasional Contributor

I am experimenting with the new Survey123 v3.6 and offline content. I have created a survey with just satellite imagery ( ), created a map area and then took it offline and it works fine. I then created a new survey with same basemap imagery, added a hosted vector tile layer and created a new map area. When opening the survey in the mobile app and going to the "download maps" page, I see now two maps with exactly the same name. Can someone provide some insight why there are now two maps? Is one for the sat imagery and the other for the vector tiles?

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2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Asaf,

Without seeing the exact details of the products you created, it's a bit difficult to envision what's going on.  Do you have 2 different web maps (one with imagery only, one with imagery and vector tiles)?  Are the names of the offline areas the same?

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Occasional Contributor


Yes - I created two different surveys with different names which in turn created two different web maps (one with imagery only and the other with imagery and the other with a vector tile). The names of the offline areas are different for each web map. I opened the survey in the mobile app and in the geo question I pressed the "basemaps" option. This is where I see two additional "basemaps" with exactly the same name. When selecting each one I see the imagery in one and the vector layer in the other but I can never see the two together in the same way that I can in the webmap in AGOL. I will reach out to our partner to see if we can share the vector layer but not sure if it will be possible...

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