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Survey123 responses for multiple choice questions

04-28-2021 03:50 AM
New Contributor

Am having issues with Survey123's multiple-choice responses. When a multiple-choice question is answered, instead of the label of the checkbox picked, the field name is chosen as the answer.



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3 Replies
New Contributor

I currently use survey 123 for doing vehicle inspections andI haven’t had an opportunity to use it for multiple choice questions is there something I can sign in on to test it on I also wonder what platform you’re using to do it with no such as iPad or android or desktop Windows I wasn’t sure with all of us available then I use it on android and iPad and mine I’ve only had to drop down field, maybe you can add me to some group where I can try to answer the questions and see what it does on my device.

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New Contributor

Hi Chris, am sharing a sample survey so you can test

I created the survey in Survey123 connect in the XLSForm


MVP Esteemed Contributor

In choices - Name is the actual value and Label is the friendly name.  The name is what is stored.  Not sure what field name means when talking about choices?  

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