I have an inspection survey that was created in Survey123 back in November 2016. The survey includes photos as attachments. I have tried the "Report (Beta)" feature and was hoping to include the photographs, and the name of the image within the Word document created. However when I run this, the images do not appear and the the image title returns as [not available].
As a test, I have taken my original survey and republished it (as a new survey) and added in a couple of features, and when I try running the same template with the "Report (Beta)" feature, my photos appear in the Word document along with the name of each image. So my template seems to be correctly formatted.
I'm guessing that maybe the issue with my original survey is to do with when it was published (pre-dates the introduction of the "Report (Beta)" feature). I have tried updating the Survey123ConnectforArcGIS on my Mac and re-publishing the original survey (so is now v3.0), but this doesn't make any difference - when I run the report the photos etc are still missing.
Any thoughts as to how I can make this work?
If your survey was originally published in November 2016, it predates an improvement made in December that year that allows the Survey123 website to identify which question a given image is associated with; unfortunately, the images cannot be included in a report template without it.
Hi James,
if I go to the Survey123 website and go to the (Data) tab for my original Nov '16 survey, then select an inspection and switch on 'Show Individual Response' then I can scroll down and see the images associated with that inspection instance. I can even create a Dashboard app that uses the original Nov 16 survey and the popup allows me to see the images associated with the inspection. So not sure what the issue is? Is it that the report template is just not compatible with pre-Dec '16 surveys? And do you know if there are any plans to rectify this?
The Report (beta) template works OK with my newly published survey, but this doesn't have the 750+ Mb of inspections that have been completed since Nov '16. Is there a way of getting my inspections (including attachments) from the Nov '16 ported across into the new survey?
In the individual view of a survey, the images are in a general 'Attachments' section, correct? The update I mentioned allowed the image to be tied with the specific question (it added a metadata field to the attachment table). Without that, the report template generator cannot distinguish one image from another. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of a way to 'upgrade' feature services published earlier to support the metadata.
Me pasa lo mismo. tengo encuestas realizadas en collector con fotos. pero en la informe beta no muestra las fotos que tienen por nombre (attachment). Funciona bien con las fotos que se llaman (image) no sé cómo solucionarlo. no las muestra ni siquiera cuando se crea una plantilla de muestra que es la que genera el sistema. Al descargar la plantilla de muestra si se evidencia que el crea el código para llamar las fotos de nombre (attachment). pero no se evidencian en el resultado final
Esta la muestra
Esta no se ve
${VISITA_TECNICA_ALCANTARILLADO_attachment1 | size:460:0}
Hi Carlos,
Collector does not submit keywords with attachments and cannot be referenced in the feature report template. You can get all of the attachments to print in a section of the template with the syntax
grcias por la respuesta .
el nombre ( attachment1) es el que collector le dio por defecto a las fotos adjuntas .
al crear una encuesta con survey connect , utilizando un servicio de entidades existente que tiene información tomada con collector. las fotos adjuntas no las permite mostrar en las plantillas del informe beta.
${VISITA_TECNICA_ALCANTARILLADO_attachment1 | size:460:0}
Hi Carlos,
Survey123 cannot access attachment based on the filename - this is different from the attachment keyword (the keywords are stored in a separate field in the table with the attachment information). If there is only 1 attachment, you could access with with the code:
Which will place in the first attachment into the report. To get all of the attachments, the code is:
These codes do not use the filenames of the attachments.
carlos camacho ha compartido un archivo de OneDrive con usted. Para verlo, haga clic en el vínculo siguiente.
gracias por la respuesta
agradecería que pudiera ver el vídeo
Muy buenas, se que este post ya tiene un tiempo, pero no consigo que se me muestren las imagenes por separado en el lugar que le corresponde en el informe. O me las muestra todas de golpe o solo la primera. Podría echarme una mano?. Si pudiera ver el XLSForm creo que me serviría de orientación al igual que el dataset y la tabla de adjuntos.
Gracias de antemano y saludos.