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SURVEY123 Connect existing features not listing fields in choices

09-26-2022 07:40 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm attempting to create a Survey123 survey for attendees to a festival to provide their residence by state and county for use in future marketing. When I attempt to create a survey using Survey123 Connect and connect it to the "Feature Service," the "survey" lists the fields, but does not populate the "choices" with the fields.

I am using a open source county map feature class to connect with the survey.

Can anyone help with how to get Survey123 Connect to populate the "choices" fields from the attribute table? Any suggestions on how to construct this survey are welcome as well. 

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5 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Good day to you.

I'd like to know a little more about your project. Does the hosted service have domains? Can you check AGOL?

If the original hosted service was built in Survey123 Connect and the choices were added after the first publishing, then the domains/choices will show in the Survey123 platform, but didn't get added to AGOL. Esri is working on this issue, but as of today you will need to manually add them (using the exact same field name, and field lengths, and type)

I recorded a video with this workflow. If you want to get straight to the flow chart, you can skip to about the 8-minute mark of this video.

 Michelle Williams ~ Survey123 Jedi

Emerging Contributor


Thanks for the quick reply.

Typically the festival has relied on people putting stickers on a paper map to show where they live and illustrates how far some have come to visit the festival. This year, they would like to have a digital dashboard where attendees can fill out a Survey123 form and put their county and state into survey responses, then that data can be visualized on a LCD TV at the Welcome Center and later analyzed by the festival board for insights.

I'm a historian/geographer at a local university and would like to help them. Currently, I have state and county feature layers from the National Historical GIS website. I published them into a webmap and uploaded to AGOL. Then I opened Survey 123 Connect and attempt to create a survey. The XLSForm has the fields listed on the "survey" xls page but has no choices listed in the "choices" page. 

I guess I could enter all of our state counties into the "choices" page, but obviously tedious and I'm not sure it would relate properly to a dashboard map. It would also prevent the use of other counties in surrounding states (admittedly there might only be a few). 

Admittedly, I'm a newbie at the Survey123 Connect game, but I do have a GIS certificate (not from the ESRI gurus as you do however). Databases are my kryptonite I know that, so your expertise is great. I look forward to learning more from you and your youtube channel.

Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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The choices sheet is, of course, blank by default. Each user has their own options that need to be added manually. That doesn't happen automatically.

There's no need to enter basic geographic information such as counties. You can simply set up a geocode question and let people enter their county, postcode or home town and the location will be automatically  and accurately mapped. See the attached xlsx.





Emerging Contributor

Thanks Laurence and Melissa, your suggestions and expertise helped a great deal.

Laurence, I experimented with the xlsx sheet you generously provided and it works great. I did notice for anyone else out there that when I published or updated the survey, the settings reset and prevented me as the editor from seeing the data on the dashboard map. It was frustrating until I finally found the right box to check and I still have to recheck it each time a update the survey.

I wish the city and state field were captured in separate fields after being autocompleted. But I am attempting to figure that out. Seems a waste to have it in the survey and not capture the data. Also plan to add a field for "First time Festival Attendee" Otherwise, I appreciate your expertise and showing me how to use the xlsx file for geocoding.

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Frequent Contributor

If you want the city and state fields to be captured separately, just delete the "null" in the [bind::esri:fieldType] column. I deliberately set it to null so the data wouldn't be captured because it was only on there as an example and I figured it wasn't useful. 

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