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Survey won't publish update from connect. It just keeps loading

09-21-2023 12:33 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hi there,

I have a survey which I created in connect.  I have made a number of updates and never had any issues until one day it just wouldn't re-publish.  

It starts to republish but then it just keeps going round on the loading button.

I haven't shifted the survey to any new folder and the file still has the correct location.

The only thing I can think of is it is shared in a group folder but even once I removed it from the group it still won't publish.

Does anyone know why this is occuring?

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7 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

This sometimes happens to me to. Generally, close Connect > reopen Connect > republish does the trick.

Very rarely, nothing seems to resolve this issue. I have only had this happen a couple of times, and only after very large changes to the original survey. In these cases, I opted to delete the old survey and then republish to avoid the headache.

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Occasional Contributor

I have tried to close and re-open but it still hasn't worked.  How do you delete the survey without loosing your data?

I can easily upload the existing data into a new survey but I also have a number of images included in the existing data which I haven't been able to transfer across in the past.

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MVP Frequent Contributor

If your feature has changed a lot, this process may not work. In that case, you may wish to republish your old survey, then append the data to the old survey, and finally republish with the survey changes. While this sounds like what you are currently doing, I have found that this has worked in the past for my stubborn surveys.

I will also point out that if you are getting the below warning in Connect, then you have a whole other thing going on.




1. Go to your Portal (or AGO) and find the Hosted Feature Layer:


2. Click Export Data > then Export to GeoJSON* Export to Shapefile**:


*Technically, you can use any of the following formats:


** I am revising this to Shapefile. Not sure if it's just my deployment, or an 11.0 thing, but I got a weird error with GeoJSON. Shapefiles work fine though.

3. Download that file once it finishes processing. I like to name my files "delete" since once you download it to your PC, you can delete it. No need for it to sit there without a purpose, after all.


4. After republishing, go to your new Hosted Feature Layer > click Update Data > then Append Data to Layer:


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Occasional Contributor

Thanks abureaux.  Will this transfer images across?

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MVP Frequent Contributor
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Frequent Contributor

I had this issue next day all was fine or exit connect  restart you computer and publish it worked for me

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Emerging Contributor

I had the same issue today. Restaring connect or the computer did not help, but I did find a solution for my case.

I have a survey with repeats and in enterpsie/portal I have a hosted view where I'm joining my main survey-table with the repeat-table for presentation. Removing this view made it possible to update my survey through conenct again.

(I still do hava a hosted _result-view based on my survey-tables (which gets automatically created if you define who you want to share the result with through collaborate in the survey123 web gui) but that does not seem to cause any trouble. It may just have been the fact that it was a joined view that caused the problem.)

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