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Survey 123 Report Selected syntax

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10-15-2024 01:03 PM
Occasional Contributor


This is my first time trying something like this in the 'summary section'. I need all locations, which have been selected out in the survey 123 website to show up on this map. I thought I got it to work but it doesn't seem to be working as I needed it to. Now I have changed my methods. I have attached a screenshot of what I currently have in the syntax.


Thank you in advance!



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1 Solution

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The feature service published has an inspection main component then a repeat 'Photos_SPB' which you can see I am calling out in my firs screenshot then a second repeat 'Photos' that you can see I am calling out in my second. My need here was to call out whatever inspection and repeat that was selected on my arcgis survey123 webpage in the data ribbon. I needed this map to show all the features I have selected. these codes have achieved this. I hope this helps others. Answered my own question after two weeks here are the results. When you have repeats you cannot have a summary section encompassing these repeats. I actually haven't found a solution similar to mine I just tried a bunch of syntaxes until I could make it work.

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10 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

Haven't tested myself, but have you tried the new mapFilters parameter? More info here.

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I have tested it, this is what I used 


This is what I used and it worked besides the select function. it's just displaying all of them and I need just one of them




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MVP Frequent Contributor

From the Summary Section blog post:



However, this was the blog post I was thinking of. It isn't necessarily related to Summary Sections directly, but it is about displaying specific content in Feature Report maps. May not work for your use-case though.

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Occasional Contributor

I have seen the disclaimer before. Ahh okay, so far no luck with it. I was hopeful. I reached out to esri but no luck either there 

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Occasional Contributor


This is my first time trying something like this in the 'summary section'. I need all locations, which have been selected out in the survey 123 website to show up on this map. I thought I got it to work but it doesn't seem to be working as I needed it to. Now I have changed my methods. I have attached a screenshot of what I currently have in the syntax.


Thank you in advance!


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MVP Frequent Contributor

You made this post two days ago. Link for clarity.

Posts merged

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MVP Regular Contributor

There is no reason to suggest that what you are attempting will work in regards to 'selected' features. 

Summary Sections don't support maps as @abureaux has identified.

The only interaction I can see within Summary sections is that '!important' refers to all surveys. There's no indication that you can refer to the selected features generating the report and I would again not expect this to work within the map if it's not supported within the summary section.

If you include the map outside of the summary section you have some options such as:

  • Put the question (point) on a map
  • Use a custom map and print the question (point) on this map
  • Display multiple features from the same question on a map using where to filter them.
  • Filter features in other layers in the custom map

For more info and examples on each of these please see this blog post:

All of these interactions would be entirely independent of the active selection when generating the report.


Occasional Contributor

Thank you for your input, I am having some interesting experiences with what I have created thus far.
I got the syntax shown above to work as is, not sure how that happened but it just started working. I did add an extent onto it to ensure it only picks up on that extent. 

I have two repeats though. 'Photos_SPB' and 'Photos' the latter one is my second repeat in this feature service. I have been able to map Photos_SPB work with this snytax listed below but it refuses to work for my second repeat. I have noticed several things do not allow me to use the same exact syntax for my second repeat in my survey which is very interesting. 

Working syntax for repeat 'Photos_SPB'

${Photos_SPB.Geopoint_SPB|orderByFields:"objectid DESC"| selected:"1=1 !important"|drawingInfo:"currentLayer"| mapScale:100000 | size:600:400}

Not working on my second repeat 'Photos'

${Photos.Geopoint1|orderByFields:"objectid DESC"| selected:"1=1 !important"|drawingInfo:"currentLayer"| mapScale:100000 | size:600:400}

Other instances of where the second repeat would not allow the same syntax to be used, this specific example is in the CSV.

geopoint concat syntax wouldn't let me use it twice I had to create the second one. I have fixed this issue just pointing out that survey 123 might not like two repeats and so I might have to try and use a different syntax. 



Sorry I am not the best at explaining everything on paper like this. the summary section does not work with repeat geopoint questions, so it had to be created as such shown in the example above, but I just find it very interesting how it's throwing me an error of a black map for my 'Photos' repeat when the other one worked out fine.

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Occasional Contributor

Update, once i removed the orderByFields:"objectid DESC" it began working for my 'Photos' repeat


I will test many more times today and then post the final solution


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