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Selecting multiple images in one Image selection question

03-18-2024 12:27 PM
Regular Contributor


My survey has a 50 photo constraint - allowing users to submit as many photos up to and including 50.

However, when uploading existing photos from their file, they are only able to select one image at a time. Meaning - if they wish to submit 50 photos, they can't select all 50 in one go.



This can be quite tedious. Has there been any updates to survey123 allowing for multiple image selections?

I don't mind trying workarounds - but I won't be able to use the file question type as it doesn't allow for use of the built in camera. 

Thank you.

2 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

I would suggest posting this in the Ideas thread.

Regular Contributor

Will do. Figured I'd ask in here first to see if anyone has found a workaround. 

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