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Seeking help w/ Grid Theme and Pages with Survey 123

08-30-2019 10:18 AM
Occasional Contributor

Who has had luck with the grid theme, and possibly even grid theme and survey123 pages  I've played around with the sample provided, but can't seem to make this work for my form - and it would really benefit from gridding some of the questions.

A couple of thoughts/observations/issues:

  • It doesn't appear that the likert appearance works with with the grid style.  Though not a deal-breaker, this is inconvenient because likert is a style I use to center my yes/no question/answers.  
  • I can't get the grid style and pages to work together. What happens is when I go to page two, the survey is able to scroll up to page one.  Seems to be a bug.  Doesn't act like the sample provided.
  • I really wish we could do the grid theme for only certain sections of the form.  My form is multiple pages long (in real life, on paper) and the grid theme only suits some of the sections of it.  
  • I think there should be an enhancement that allows you to configure a minimal width of screen... and thus if someone is using the form on the phone, you could be able to scroll the form over.  That way your grid configurations stick no matter what device is being used.  It's almost impossible to know what devices will be used for the form I'm created once we deliver it to the client

I'd love to hear about any other tips or tricks using the grid style, especially if its with pages too.  

And also sorta on this topic... I really need indexed-repeat() functionality in S123.  It's actually one of the things that led me to try out the grid style.  But with the limitations listed above, I'm really just back to needing the indexed-repeat function and being able to pull info out of the repeat in order to display in a custom results table; an HTML table in a hint field.  This way the user can see what they've entered in the repeats.  For this instance in particular, what tree specimens they have already collected info on. 

Thanks everyone!

EDIT - Quick edit/update to this already... apparently you can still take advantage of putting fields side by side without using the grid theme.  Just use the "w[number]" setting in the appearance.  This is very good news for me and my form!  But still want to know more about grid and pages and definitely indexed-repeat!

16 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I have got grids and pages to work together.  You have to use the style theme-grid pages.  Then any place you want a normal page use a w1 and then each question will take up one line.  It will still have boxes around everything but the team said they are working on that.

For the user seeing repeat issue what I do is have a join() that sits outside the repeat.  This way the user can see the list of everything they have entered.  I also use this for a unique check to make sure they never pick the same thing more than once.  Only real trick is to take a few chars off the end of the join() to check (otherwise it will see itself all the time).

Hope that helps.

Occasional Contributor

This is all very helpful.  Thank you!

Could you tell me a little more about how you use join() to show the results of what they've entered?  This seems very much like what I'm trying to accomplish.  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Sure see the full write up in this post.  Been working all year. 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks so much, Doug.  I will be trying to configure this now and will be back here if I have questions

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Frequent Contributor

Hey Doug,

Could you please share xlsx of grid-theme pages survey that works for you? Cause I've been trying to make it happen for a while with no success. Appreciate your help!

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Frequent Contributor

I figured it out..I did not put field-list after w_ , that's why it did not work

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

The likert appearance does work within the Survey123 form, but I believe you will need to use the "begin group" while having the appearance set to w4 or whatever number you are using for your columns. Then when it comes to the question that would use the likert question; just make the appearance be "w4 likert" and it should fit the scale within that cell.

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Regular Contributor

Has anyone got this to work in a web browser? It looks great in my Survey 123 Connect Preview but the appearance does not change when I publish.

Occasional Contributor

I have the same problem Linda - did you ever figure out how to make it look right when published?

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