I enabled 'Inbox' for a survey with repeat questions. I added the field 'bind::esri:parameters' to my survey and set the value to allowUpdates=true query=’1=1’ in this column for my "begin repeat". I am able to view and edit my repeat questions from my "Sent box", but they do not show up when I access a survey from my 'Inbox'. Any suggestions?
Thank you,
Hi Jeff,
In your XLS file, the parameters have
allowUpdates=true 1=1
You only should need
the 1=1 is the default query and doesn't not to be there (and, as you noted in your comment, accompanied with the query= ).
Also note that single vs. double quotation marks matter in the case of the query; it should have been
single quotes must be used for text inside a query, forcing double quotes only to encapsulate the query statement.
Thanks for the clarification, James. In fact I was just coming back here to update this thread with a report of success by simply entering the bare words
query allowUpdates
into the bind cell for the case where I don't need to filter anything coming back out during a refresh. Thanks for pointing out the formatting nuances when further filtering might be necessary.
Hi Jeff, thanks for that update! I wasn't having any success with the bind parameter as allowUpdates=true or any variations of that. But your text of "query allowUpdates" solved the problem perfectly!
Hi guys, I was wondering if any of you know if the "query allowUpdates" causes survey123 to not allow a repeat item to be deleted form a copied sent survey. the esri::bind::parameter is working great for me, but I need to be able to delete entire repeats for our new surveys that use copied sent data. I think that allowUpdates, might be part of the problem. is there an allowDeletes? or allowTotalModificationAndDestructionOfRepeatData?
Hi Andrew,
The allowUpdates property does not allow for deleting repeat records; this is to minimize the accidental loss of data. We have discussed an allowDeletes keyword to enable this functionality; I've listed your request in the discussion.
OK great! Thanks for working through my terrible explanations to help me with this.
I would very much be interested in allowDeletes functionality, especially if I can control whether it is enabled for the inbox, or just for the sent surveys. I absolutely understand why locking down deletes is preferable to a lot of users, and for my users, accidentally overwriting a previously submitted days data thinking you were creating a new survey would be bad news.
thanks again.
I too would like to have the allowDelete functionality
Hi JTedrick-esristaff,
The allowUpdates query doesn't work with image type questions.
Could you please look into this?
Hi Geethaka,
Yes, allowUpdates does not allow for the updating of images at this time.
I have the same problem and need a solution.
Have you found a solution?