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Repeat_Count Bug?

12-18-2018 02:22 PM
Emerging Contributor

Not really a question but maybe a bug. I'm using a nested repeat and adding in a repeat_count causes the field not to match a custom feature service. Removing the repeat_count works.

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5 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Patrick,

Are you using an existing feature service and is it hosted in AGO or Portal (what version?), if so how was it created and how are the tables related? Can you provide a screenshot of the layers and relationships?

Can you provide a copy of the xlsx form also?


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Emerging Contributor

Hey Phil, this is a hosted service in AGO. I published the service from arcmap and then built the form to match the service and added the submission URL. I'm using Connect 3.1.126. The layers are a bit messy but the relationships look like this:


The form has an inventory table with four 1-many related point feature classes. One repeat has a nested repeat table which is where i tried to use the repeat_count field.

And the form.:

xlsx form

The form doesnt have the repeat_count that was giving the error, but the screenshot in the original post shows where i tried to use the repeat_count. Took me a while(completely rebuilt the form twice...) to find that it was the repeat_count giving me the issue and not a misnamed field.


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by Anonymous User
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Hi Patrick,

Having a look at your survey and trying to reproduce the error, I noticed you are using null field type on the geopoint question in the TreeDensityPlot layer. This would indicate it is a table without geometry (not a layer), however your diagram above shows it as a point layer? Should it be a layer with geometry or just a table?

The reason I noticed this was when I tried to re-publish the survey via Connect I am getting a error, which I believe is a different bug to the repeat_count issue, but basically Connect creates it as a table the first publish, but then on re-publish tries to update it as a layer with geometry. I am not sure if this is related but have created an internal issue for further investigation.

I will get back to you with more information regarding the repeat_count issue.


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Patrick,

After looking into this issue more and understanding exactly how repeat_count works, when using a static value in the xslx form for repeat_count, a new field will automatically be added to the feature layer to store the value entered. This is required so that the field app can retrieve the stored value to then load the correct number of records in that repeat.

Therefore you will need a field in your feature layer called ${repeatname}_count where the ${repeatname} is the name of your begin repeat question that has the repeat_count applied. This can be created as read only and even hidden so that it is not displayed on the form in the field app.

Alternatively, you can reference another field with the repeat_count column instead of using a static value or use a calculation so that the additional _count field is not required in the schema. The field app will then use the value stored in the other field that already exists or based on the value being calculated.

Hope this helps.


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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Patrick,


Just an update to let you know that we have been working on the issue which was identified when republishing a survey from Connect and the null geopoint is being republished as a layer not a table. This issue has been resolved for our upcoming 3.2 release. 


If you have time, can you please check out the latest 3.2 RC builds (Connect 3.2.192 and App 3.2.262) available on EAC here: Welcome to our Feedback Community and provide any feedback. The sooner we can get feedback the sooner we can address any outstanding issues before release.



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