I am trying to use the expression below to pull data on from a feature layer, I have used x to protect some data but otherwise the formula is exact:
pulldata("@layer", "getValue", "attributes.XXXX", 'https://services9.arcgis.com/P6kyywx46o75oKam/arcgis/rest/services/XXXX/FeatureServer/0',concat("ReferenceNumber ='",${ReferenceNumber},"'"))
The problem is, Connect is generating a form however, instead of a field into which information is populated, I am getting the below error:
SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression flag 'R' in expression: *repeats formula above*
Only problem is, I don't know what that error message means.
Any help?
Not sure on this one but I know that normally you cannot have a function inside a pulldata.
Make a field that has the concat part then use that field in this call.
Great post here https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-blog/survey123-tricks-of-the-trade-pulldata-quot-laye...