After checking the documentation and several searches on the the community forums, I should be able to fetch only the results I want from the Inbox by typing in the bind:esri:parameters the following
I'm typing this in the row of the begin repeat for a nested repeat and I'm using a field that is part of the Repeat and not from the parent table, but unfortunately when i refresh the Inbox i get a Code 500 Error Invalid Field Qualifier.
I've tried multiple variations of the same expression but without any luck.
What am i doing wrong, can someone review my form and help me?
The expression is on row 27 of the attached document
The query parameters within the excel are different then the query parameters that you enter in Survey123 Connect. I think you are trying to query data (not allow query or allow edit) and you want to do that in Connect.
The query in the Where section in Survey123 is working fine.
In this case I'm trying to query a certain set of records from the related table based on the value of a field of the repeat group.
I'm still stuck trying to achieve this.
I tried to query the data from Survey123 Connect, but this only works with fields from the parent table.
When I follow the documentation, it clearly says that in order to query results from a repeat (child table) we should use the expression query in the row of the "begin repeat" under the column bind:esri:parameters.
I followed the same syntax as in the documentation:
When I refresh the inbox I still get the error "Invalid Field Qualifier".
What could be wrong? I need some help here please.