I know there is a lot questions about this, but I really don't see any thing describing how to create a simple Pull data from a feature service. I need the exact same functionality as we see with the pull data from a CSV.
Something like:
I can guess that I would need a JS function, but I think that the examples are a bit too complicated for compared to what I need to do, at least I can't get it to work
Just trying with https://services.arcgis.com/P3ePLMYs2RVChkJx/arcgis/rest/services/World_Administrative_Divisions/Fea... as the admin URL, and then I want to show the Name of the FID.
Hope that someone can clarify this for me. Thanks
Hello @KennethLindhardt1,
A custom JavaScript function is going to be the best option for querying a feature service to return data based on an attribute. Please see the example in this post as it demonstrates a query to a feature service based on an attribute lookup.
Hi Zack, thank you for sharing this. I will for sure check it out, we did find a solution to the issue. In the appearance I can add a search function, that will pull the list from a feature service: search("Departmentadd?url=https://gis.mygis.com/myrest/FeatureServer/0",'intersects')
We are doing a lot of JavaScript pulls in the survey, and had the browser ran out of memory, so when it now seems to work without JavaScript, I'll try to keep it there for now.