I created a survey 123 using the web design vs connect. Didn't make changes to it though I did move it to a new folder in mu content someone said that may be an issue though it worked fine after that. Worked yesterday morning on one pc where I demoed it to a group to get them to start using. They requested a few changes went to edit the form and had not made any changes yet - in the design panel it requested I save and publish to save changes - did so and get save/published successfully, yet when I look it is asking me to publish again - and the survey works off/on sometime getting a 400 error and when I go to edit collaboration piece it wont allow to save without publishing changes when there are no and I have published many times. Finally get folks to use the survey then it wont work.
Please check this thread: https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-questions/problems-with-survey123-when-republishing/t...
this looks like exactly what I am getting. https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-survey123-questions/published-surveys-not-really-published/td-p...
From my ESRI TEch
I've performed testing from my end and was able to reproduce the issue. It seems like the issue can happen if either map or multiple-choice question is included in the survey. Here are the details of the bug for your reference:
The bug will now be reviewed by our development team and further action will be taken to address this issue. I have attached the bug to this case as well, which you now should be able to see its full description in: