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Prepopulate N/A for a field left blank

09-16-2024 12:46 PM
Emerging Contributor


I have a field that if left blank I want to show N/A.  I am trying to use a combo of the default and bind esri visible column.  For the bind esri visibleI have string-length($fieldname})=0 and for the default I have if(string-length(${fieldname})=0,’N/A’).  The problem is my question on the survey disappears so no idea if it works.  I am guessing no.  Thanks.



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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

If you are putting N/A as the default, then when a survey opens it is populated with N/A, which means that the string length of that field will never be 0 (because it is populated w/ N/A). That means that the field will never be visible for users to change the value of. 

Why not just leave it as N/A is the default and if users need to change it they can?

- Jen
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