I'm trying to take a photo inside Survey123 Version 3.1.158 in the mobile app but the top and bottom of the screen are black and so are the take photo button and back button so they are no longer visible!! This is occurring on both iOS and Android.Philip WilsonJames Tedrick Is there a way I can fix this?
Hi Amy,
Is this happening with one particular survey, or multiple? If just one, can you please share your XLSForm that was used to create the survey, or if created on the web, provide a link to view the behavior? You can send either to barmstrong at esri.com.
Hi Amy,
Is this issue still occurring? If so can you provide more details on the exact model of iPhone/iPad and iOS version, and also for Android the make/model/OS?
Also, did you try to uninstall the app completely and re-install again? Likewise if you install the 3.2 beta app from the EAC site, does the same issue occur?
And lastly does this happen with all surveys on the device, or just some specific surveys?
Amy, further to my post above:
Out of curiosity, do you have the Toolbar Text Color in Connect set to black as below? If you change the color from black to another lighter color do the buttons appear again?
As an update, after speaking with Amy over the phone, the issue was indeed related to the fact the the Toolbar Text Color was set to black at time of publishing the survey from Survey123 Connect.
After changing the color back to default, or any other color and republishing, the issue was resolved when redownloading the survey and taking a picture within Survey123,
Hi Amy,
Just an update to let you know that we have resolved the issue above and it will be available in the upcoming 3.2 release at end of January. If you have time, can you please check out the latest 3.2 RC builds (Connect 3.2.192 and App 3.2.262) available on EAC here: Welcome to our Feedback Community and provide any feedback. The sooner we can get feedback the sooner we can address any outstanding issues before the release.
We are having a missing camera icon issue with surveys that were imported from a previous survey.
All new surveys include the camera icon.
Please help.
Hi Michelle,
Can you please provide your xlsx file and also a screenshot of Connect for they survey that is not working, mainly of the Settings -> Style options for that survey.
Hello Philip,
I think what we are seeing is a security feature. All surveys once uploaded no longer have a camera icon.
Here are my Style options just for testing.
Hi Michelle,
I think what you are seeing is that editing images or adding new attachments when editing an existing record/survey is not currently supported in Survey123.
When you open a new survey (new collect) you can add new images via the camera icon or browse gallery icon. However, when you are editing an existing survey via the Inbox or Sent box, the adding or editing of attachments (images) is not supported and those icons will not be displayed.
There are many other posts on this subject, with workarounds such as using a repeat in your survey, to be able to add additional images to the survey. We are hoping to support the editing and adding of attachments when editing an existing survey record in the future.