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Multiple Photos in Survey123

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09-16-2015 08:28 AM
New Contributor III


We are wanting to use Survey123 for a field inspection form and we were wondering if Survey123 can be set to take multiple pictures without having to set each picture as its own field. Either one picture or 12 pictures. Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, how is it done?



42 Replies
New Contributor III

Not a problem ☺

Jevita Webster

Automated System Technician

Special Districts/ Information System

Phone: 909-522/0728

“We can’t be anxious for nothing. Let patience have

a perfect work in your life”


Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being.<>

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New Contributor


I've successfully created a formula for the relevant column that will hide multiple photo fields unless the previous photo field is completed - here is a screenshot of my XLS FormSurvey123 hidden multiple photo fields dependent on filling out a previous field

New Contributor III

Was this enhancement ever completed and released (allowing for multiple photos with a repeat without pushing the images to a related table)?



New Contributor III

is a solution to have images in repeats stored as attachments still part of the product plan? we could really use this functionality!

New Contributor II

Hi Ismael,

Has there been any progress on this update? If not, when can we expect something?

Thank you!

Esri Notable Contributor

Hi John. No progress so far.

New Contributor II

Thank you Ismael.

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New Contributor III

you said using a repeat in your survey makes it hard to view the photos. In order to view the photo ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap is needed. can you explain that more please. 

Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Jevita,

Multiple photos will be stored as attachments to a related table of the Survey row- when you show the popup/identify window on a row, you would need to click on the related records, and then view that record's attachments

New Contributor II

Hello James,

I do not see the attachments when viewing survey data in Pro. I have photos inside a repeat. When I click a feature I see the related records in the popup, but when I click a related record I do not see the attached photo. I cna only look at the photos one at a time by downloading them in the Map Viewer on Portal. Is there a way to download all photos from a repeat? I tried the same thing in ArcMap and do not see my photos there either. Please help. Thank you.


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