Images not showing in inbox while offline

08-18-2022 09:14 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello everyone,

I'm encountering an issue on Survey123 regarding showing images of previous records once you download a record in your inbox.

The workflow I'm working on begins with a first survey where I gather data and pictures of a construction site. Then, a second survey activates only through inbox and here I call back the pictures among other important data from the first survey.

Then in this second survey we monitor the state of the construction site through a repeat section, adding more photos and data that will be called back in future inboxes.

Since I was requested to have the capture of the picture required what happens now is that, once I download the survey in the inbox and open it while being offline, it loads all data but the pictures, which will stay in a permanent "downloading-from-the-cloud" state, with the cloud icon as a placeholder.

What happens then is that, since the picture is required, I can't proceed with adding a new repeat or sending the survey.

When I published the survey at first with version 3.14 of Survey Connect, I swear that once you downloaded the survey in the inbox it was possibile to see the attachments also while offline, among all the other data. Was this the case and something changed or do I remember incorrectly?

Thank you all for your help


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5 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I'm tagging also @IsmaelChivite and @JamesTedrick, perhaps you know more on this behaviour

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Frequent Contributor

@LucaTD , did you find a solution for this? I'm scratching my head over the same thing.

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Occasional Contributor

Unfortunately I did not yet and it seems only us two are experiencing this issue

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Frequent Contributor

@LucaTD , hmmm, maybe we're the only two Esri users who use offline mode. j/k. I'll probably file a tech support case and reply back here if I find anything out.

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Occasional Contributor

I'm having the same problem.


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