Hello there,
I am working on a survey123 form. I want to use the field names in a repeated manner. I have different SVG's loaded into survey form. Now my use case is I have different bridges and each bridge has around 7-8 SVG's. Each SVG has different elements or clickable areas. I want to store each element value in to the database table. When I try to repeat the field name, Survey123 generates an error saying "There are more than one survey elements with the same name.". I only want to use one table to store all the bridge SVG elements. Thanks
Check out a repeat? Repeats—ArcGIS Survey123 | Documentation
It'll store in a different (related) table.
Alfred I am already using the repeat. I think you might have misunderstood my question a little. I am talking about using the same field names multiple times so I can store this relevant data in one table. Thanks