Guide: Generate Feature Reports in Power Automate (Enterprise and AGO)

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02-01-2024 10:30 AM
MVP Frequent Contributor

As my old guide still gets activity from time to time, I figured it was appropriate to post an updated guide with the new Power Automate actions.

Attached As:
Power Automate - Basic - v3.pdf


  • AGO
  • Enterprise


  • Power Automate Premium workspace.
  • Admin access to your Portal.


  • v3 - Swapped 'status' for 'jobStatus' [24/02/02] Thank you @RobertAnderson3 
  • v2 - Added Appendix I - Fixing an old Custom Connection [24/02/01]
  • v1 - Original version.

Other Guides:

  • | Author: Esri
    | Original Post: Survey123 Create Report action in Microsoft Power Automate (Preview)
    | Attached as: N/A

    It is a very bare-bones flow that does a great job explaining the general concepts. I highly recommend you check this out if it's your first time looking at Power Automate and Survey123.
  • | Author: Me
    | Original Post: Guide to Generate Feature Reports in Power Automate (Enterprise and AGO)
    | Attached as: DEPRECATED_Old Method_S123+Power Automate - Basic - v2.pdf

    This is my old guide and I don't recommend that people use it (mainly because it is unnecessary since the new connectors were released). It still works though, and I have several old flows still using this method.
  • | Author: Me
    | Original Post: Generate Feature Report in Power Automate directly from Feature Layer
    | Attached as: N/A
    This is just a quick guide to showcase genreating a Feature Report directly from a Feature Layer (i.e., no webhooks). Webhooks have proven to sometimes be unreliable, so this is my first attempt at circumventing that issue. I will be building this out internally over the next few months to be a far more robust process.
  • | Author: Me
    | Original Post: Guide: Working with Nested Repeats in Power Automate
    | Attached as: N/A
    Here, I demonstrate how to work with Nested Repeats in Power Automate. This same principal can be expanded upon for additional nested repeats. If you have just a single repeat, the process should be straight-forward, but I can put something together for that if needed.
10 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Toggling off 'New Designer'? Why didn't Esri just say so?! I am definitely a beginner with PA and it never would have occurred to me why I could NOT find my customer connector triggers in PA after following the documentation to create it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

This will go great with having finally figured out the trick to creating feature class relationships that are compatible with S123 without having to rely on hosted feature layers anymore.

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