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Format string in feature report as link text not URL

03-01-2022 06:28 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hi All, we are creating a survey that are using Power Automate to create folders on sharepoint and at the same time add sharing links to the folders into the feature service. Viewing those from a browser are making us able to create a link text showing, and not the actual URL.

So I want the name, in this case (Direct link to be inserted) in the feature report, as a hyperlink and not as the full URL. Is that possible? 




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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

No, this is not possible right now.  I've mentioned it a few times in the Early Adopter Community and I could swear I submitted the idea in 2020, but I can't find it in a search. 

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Thank you for your reply, then there's no reason for searching more for that. We came as far adding {Hypelink} and then a bit more. That will create a hyperlink but it will need a URL and not pulling a field from the feature service, then it breaks. It's my colleague who tested it, so I'm sure what she did.
I think I will see if I can use Power Automate to use a search and replace in a word document and then convert it to PDF afterwards, if possible then it would a way to go.

Thanks, always nice to know - don't go that way.
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I had tried using html when I first tried this, but it didn't work for me. I'm guessing that's what she did as well?

Something like:

<a href = "${feature_URL}" target = "_self">Click here to be redirected</a>

Would just print out something like this in the feature report:

<a href = "" target = "_self">Click here to be redirected</a>


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Frequent Contributor

all the links are formatted like html from the survey directly, so when we pull in the data it will show the hyperlink and not the text, so exactly like you describe. The function that we tried to use here was:



This is creating a nice hypelink, but as soon as you add a field ${field} instead of the URL, then it mess things up.

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