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Display Map Based on Previous Selection

09-16-2022 11:11 AM
Emerging Contributor

In Survey123, is it possible to set up a map question that would display a map based on the choice of a previous question? For more context, we have about 135 maps that show service areas for every product. If a user selects a product from a drop-down list, we would like the corresponding map to display. The map would be strictly FYI and read-only for the user. I'm creating this in Survey123 Connect and would like it to work in the web form.

Thank you!


@JamesTedrick @IsmaelChivite Maybe you would have an idea, since you were able to answer my other question at the ESRI UC. Thank you!

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

How many different maps do you have? It's simple enough to make an image visible based on a selected answer, but if you have large numbers of maps its going to slow down the survey loading.





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Emerging Contributor

Hi Laurence,

We would have about 130 different maps that could be selected that are constantly changing so we would like them to show the most current map.

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