How to reorder photos in multiline photo question

09-21-2022 03:03 PM
New Contributor III

Does anyone know of a way to reorder photos in a multiline photo question without deleting photos?

Our use case involves taking multiple photos in a multiline photo question (say 1, 2, 3) from the device camera, and submitting the survey. After review, Photo 2 is the one we'd like to show on a feature report. Since the feature report will only pull the first photo in a multiline photo field, our user goes into the previously submitted survey through the inbox and deletes Photo 1 so that Photo 2 is the first/top photo in the field and then resubmits the survey.

If I wanted to keep Photo 1 for reference, just not at the first/top photo in the question, is there a way for me to rearrange the photos without deleting any?

If I wanted to annotate Photo 2 on a previously submitted survey, and have that show up as the first photo for the feature report, is there a way to do that now without deleting Photo 1?

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