Is there anyway to stop the create report from adding UTF-8 to the file path when generating a report?
What does this mean? And where does it come from?
Currently using Make to watch the survey, create report, get a file (http), and create and send the report to the submitter via email M365.
This may be confusing for the citizens receiving their report, so trying to see how I can remove.
I am also interested in removing the UTF-8 prefix from the file name. Has anyone found a solution?
@Teresa_Blader have you found a solution? I'm also interested in removing the prefix.
I have not.... however Power Automate does not have this issue, so I can recommend that at least.
I would also like to see a solution to this problem.
Hi Teresa, I found a solution buried in another ESRI support thread. When you are using the Microsoft 365 Email component to distribute your report, choose to Map the file instead of HTTP-Get a File. Name the file as you would normally using dynamic attributes from the survey results. Be sure to include a file suffix at the end such as .pdf or .docx.
Hope that helps.