Cant delete repeats loaded from sent data

01-26-2018 12:36 PM
Regular Contributor

My survey has two repeats for recording data that changes from day to day. Outside of these two repeats there is a large amount of information that is maintained across several days, so I need to be able to give my users the ability to load all of a previous day's data into a new survey. I am now able to do this from the sent surveys > copy to a new survey. I am using the bind::esri::parameters (query allowUpdates) for loading data into the repeats. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to allow users to delete out old repeat attributes. I am able to add new repeat responses and edit the loaded responses, but I do not have the option to delete out unnecessary records.  I dont remember this being an issue in previous versions, but then again repeats had other issues.

thanks for your help!


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9 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Andrew,

By 'delete out unnecessary records' are you referring to removing an entire repeat or clearing out the values of a question?

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Regular Contributor

I was having a lot of issues with wording on this. I want to delete out the entire old records. the way you do with a new survey if you add a new repeat using the plus icon, and then you can hit the trashcan icon and delete it.  It seems like deleting records, at least from the sent survey copied to a new survey should be allowed. I understand that it might not work with modifying sent data from the inbox, because you would be deleting records online. but from what I understand, the sent file is locally stored xml. so deleting it from a new xml copy would be fine.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Andrew,

I think I answered you in another thread, but to consolidate here (as it's own distinct question): 

The allowUpdates property does not allow for deleting repeat records; this is to minimize the accidental loss of data.  We have discussed an allowDeletes keyword to enable this functionality; I've listed your request in the discussion.

Frequent Contributor

James, has there been any changes to this since your post in JAN '18?  

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Derrick,

No, allowDeletes has not been added into the Inbox behavior.

Occasional Contributor

Hi James,

Is the allowDeletes keyword in the work plan?



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Regular Contributor

Hi James, 

Any update on this ? I tried "allowDeletes" and it makes no difference and I don't find any documentation about this, so I presume that it's not supported yet. But for us, it would be very useful.

Thanks !

Occasional Contributor


Hi James,

Any update on this? Has the allowDeletes keyword been incorporated into Survey 123? It would be helpful to have that functionality for inbox surveys.



Emerging Contributor

Is it still not possible to delete a repeat when editing a submitted record?

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