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Bulk upload of survey failing

06-23-2022 06:37 AM
Occasional Contributor


In testing a Survey, we've created 500 of them, each containing 0 to 3 6.9MB photo attachments.

We leave them in the outbox, then when we need to test, we try and upload them.  It gets to about 115, 116 surverys uploaded and just stalls.

This is done from the same laptop, so will be generating a new survery, at the same location, for each of those 500 occassions.

We've looked at Survery123 logs, ArcGIS Surver logs and IIS logs and there's nothing to say anything untoward is going on. 

Could it be reaching a limit on the amount you can load from the same GeoPoint on any given occassion?  Is there a setting we're missing somewhere?  It's confusing.

Is there an issue with attachments, or bulk uploads?

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hello @PaulHallett1305

Assuming that upper limit is 36.9 MB, Survey123 can only upload a maximum file size for an individual attachment of 10 MB. 

Thank you,
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Zach

Each individual photo is 6.9mb, It's just there can be 0 to 3 of them added, so that should be OK.  



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