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Auto-Populate Map Extent in Feature Report

10-04-2024 02:17 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have a survey123 workflow where i want to populate the extent of the map in the feature report based on a survey question for a permit if they pick permit area x, the extent question in the survey auto-populates with y...the calculation is working correctly but the map never changes extent. the syntax for my map is 

${location | map:” f4c5c940e9c94a43848c55a8b0b8534e”| size:600:0 | mapExtent: mapextentjmb}

where mapextentjmb = the question from my survey that is getting populated based on the area selected.

if i just put in the extent for example the report gets generated correctly:

${location | map:” f4c5c940e9c94a43848c55a8b0b8534e”| size:600:0 | mapExtent: -70:25:-120:50:4326}

am I not calling the mapextent question from the survey correctly? i thought I was according to ESRI's documentation...something else wrong with the syntax?



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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

An extent is typically a polygon, not a point. You need x,y min AND maximum values - four in total.

${geopoint1 | mapExtent:116.440:39.955:116.468:39.971}

If you are prefilling the mapExtent value based on the question logic (and not a dynamic location input) it should be easy enough to adjust with next values.

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Frequent Contributor

My apologies I just messed up on my post…I do have both the min max and wkid values in my calculation

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