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Any plans to let Collector see 123 data while offline?

01-07-2020 01:11 PM
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Just saw today that Collector now can see offline device data from Tracker.

View local tracks from Tracker for ArcGIS

If you record your location using Tracker for ArcGIS, now you can view those tracks inside of Collector. If you tap on the Layers tool you will find a new entry titled “My Tracks” and you can tap on Tracker to open the Tracker app to turn on/off tracking or adjust the history of tracks to display. Collector displays the tracks that are stored on your device so you can see previous locations even if you lose connectivity. It will honor the display settings from Tracker as well so if you only want to see Todays tracks in Collector, set Tracks to Display to Today in the Tracker app.

Any plans to open up the 123 database on the device to Collector?  

My use case is we have 9 forms (with 2 of those needing 3 transects) that need to be completed on a plot.  I have some Arcade code that checks for each form or forms and then reports back to the user in Red that they missed one.  This works in the web map great.  But it does not work in Collector while offline for two reasons.  One is that I am offline so Collector has no idea what 123 has in its DB.  Two is the FeatureSetByName does not work while offline - yet.  They told me FeatureSetByName would be working around the end of 2019 but I have not seen it yet. 

My issue is that by the time they are back online it is too late.  Most of our cost is travel to the plot so having to go back is a major expense.  We are looking at a low tech dry erase sheet at this point.

For now we have a group trying to build there own app using the 123 API to dig in the 123 DB while offline.

BTW any thoughts on auto listing any offline basemaps Collector has in 123?  

Really excited to see progress on the apps working together more.


Here is my Arcade as an example.  1 simple and 1 more complex.

LPI Lines Check {expression/expr1}
if ($feature.EvalStatus == "Eval") {
var sql = "PlotKey = '" + $feature.PlotKey + "'";
var tbl = Filter(FeatureSetByName($map,"LPI"), sql);

var txt = ''
for (var f in OrderBy(tbl,"LineNumber")) {
    txt = txt + f.LineNumber + ' '
txt = Left(txt,Count(txt)-1)
if (txt != '1 2 3') {
    return "\n----LPI Line Number Issue! Found: " + txt
else {
    return ''
else {
    return ''

Spec Rich Count {expression/expr2}
if ($feature.EvalStatus == "Eval") {
var sql = "PlotKey = '" + $feature.PlotKey + "'";
var tbl = Filter(FeatureSetByName($map,"Species Richness"), sql);

var tblCnt = count(tbl)
if (tblCnt < 1) {
    return "\n----No Species Richness form found!"
else if (tblCnt > 1) {
    return "\n----More than 1 Species Richness form found!"
else {
    return ''
else {
    return ''
2 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Doug,

Thanks for the suggestion.  I don't think we've had this exact request before (showing Survey123 points in Collector for ArcGIS).  We can look into the viability of doing so.  In terms of shared basemaps, that should be more possible on Android going forward - support for map packages is in beta in Survey123 and can be pointed to the same storage location as Collector.

In talking about your own group looking into Survey123, is that the S1 team?  We have been coordinating with them on that.  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I think I have talked to you about it before.  I did not pursue it much since we tend to use 2 tablets on a plot.  Which are both it would not be possible to do a complete checklist.  We could do something like Tablet 1 did forms 1-4 and Tablet 2 has 5-9 which would help.

Now I have a check in the webmap pop up using Arcade that tells them in red if any forms are missing.  But by then it is too late.  But for now none of the FeatureSet calls work in Collector...and it would not find anything until they sync anyway.

Yes the S1 team.  They asked me for a use case and this same issue is what I gave them.  They are offline a lot too so they want to be able to see forms before syncing.

On basemaps more integration would be great.  The crew is confused as to why the apps seems to work together but they still have to have 2 sets of basemaps.  We are offline for up to 2 weeks at a time so its a big one for us.  This also makes backups a pain.

Thanks for looking!

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